Beverley Price/Stormy

Imagine being so in love with someone that you are willing to die and be reborn again and again just to be with them. Blood bound is a dark novel about a woman's struggle with the discovery that she is vampire hunter. The fight between two lovers, the dark and the light. Pandora – A woman sheltered by her father until his brutal demise and her new goal to survive. And learning that love and distrust comes in many forms. When your life seems perfect can you expect any sadness? Aura, a damaged woman who has loved too much and all she has received is pain. When your life seems cursed from birth can you expect any happiness? Puppet Master, an all powerful Vampire whose dark heart still beats for a lost love but can only give pain. When your “death” is cursed can you expect any happiness? Pandora was looking for someone to waltz her towards a fairytale ending but she meets a man that tangoed with her soul. And that your Knight in shining armour does not always have to be male. A love triangle that will test the bounds of love, lust, trust, death and rebirth.......................... Can anyone survive this bloody love triangle?

A collection of poems that represents a journey of one person's struggle through life, love, lust and sex. Poetry that dances to a darker drum beat and a siren song to those who have had their hearts smashed in tiny pieces and still carried on, those who are shattered but still whole. 50 poems that should delight the children of the night, followers of Gothic imagery, tales and legends.

A collection of 50 poems celebrating the growth of Black Petal through all the trials and tribulations that life has thrown at her. Words that will appeal to those of us who have a soul of crystal. Serenity is found amongst these pages.

Strong Man and Black Petal are rebel warriors, always outside society, saving those who do not know they exist. However, you can only escape your past for so long before it catches you. Having to return to Belfast, no longer a person of faith, is a difficult decision for a man who has left his identity behind. But it is something that they have to do. Once they return to their old haunting ground, Strong Man starts dreaming of a woman, a damsel in distress who needs saving.
But who is she? Why is Strong Man connected to her? What is her connection to their enemy, Puppet Master? As Strong Man and Black Petal find themselves caught up in the religious fervour of Father Liam and his mission to create a blood disease and vampiric Shakespeare twins, questions are asked about their strength.
When friends are hard to find, not knowing who your true enemies are, religion mania seems into each pore of society and the secrets they keep from each other. Are they going to save the world once again?
Blood Brother: Amazon.co.uk: Price, Beverley, Slowik, Tiffany: 9798797486411: Books