Beverley Price/Stormy
Stormy is a weaver of dark prose and poetry, dreamer of Gothic imagery, cat lover and nature worshipper. Her work deals with the bitter fact that love is not always chocolate boxes and roses. She is also a three times winner of the title “Chief Poet Skald of Suffolk”. She has had a poem published in an E-book called “Poems from Beyond the Grave” and her own poetry books called “The Flowering of the Black Petal” and "By Ink, Paper and Pen: A Tribute to Black Petal"

Beverley Price is a lover of the darkness and the monster that hid there. A creature that seems to blur the lines between myth and reality. Here lies her obsession with vampires. The first book in "The Blood Series" is "Blood Bound". Blood Bound is a dark novel about a woman's struggle with discovering she is a vampire hunter. The fight between two lovers, the dark and the light. This is a love story, but one that spans centuries. Imagine being so in love with someone that you are willing to die and be reborn again and again to be with them.
The second book is "Blood Brother". Blood Brother is a novel looking at religion's impact on an individual who has had to live with its bloodshed. The desire to help others face an enemy ingrained into your life that you don't even see anymore. How a life that drips with blood, misses the love that is right in front of them until it is too late. When friends are hard to find, not knowing who your true enemies are, religion mania seems into each pore of society. Can the world be saved again?